Sky Bridge

Sunday, February 01, 2015

Beanie: Handmade/ Jacket: American Eagle/ Sweatshirt: Friends/ Tights: Vietnam/ Shoes: Sketcher's

Hi everyone, I had finally come back for another outfit of the day. This outfit is inspired for those who want to layer their outfit in the winter. I love layering my outfits because I think they (most of the time) turn out to be super adorable and chic. This outfit would look better if I wear black jeans but I don't own a lot of jeans... I only have dresses. But it's okay, I got some fake tights jeans!! ( is this even a word?) Also, I think I need to learn how to take pictures and practice face poses because look at my face!! I don't think I can look anymore tired than that haha. As you can see, there is no sun when I took these photos but right after I finished, Mr. Sun came out and I am just so MAD!! Whatever, it's life, right? What about you guys, tell me about the time when something like this happens to you. Until then,

Love, Anh:)

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