
Shirt and shoes: Forever 21/ Skort: Ebay/ Necklace: vietnam/ Fedora: H&M/ Polaroid: vintage~

What a beautiful day outside! I love this weather so very much :) This weather means that spring is here. And suddenly, I realize that I am so close to the finish line. The finish line for me is the graduation of high school. I have only 2 months left of high school. Time flies so fast, it's crazy! Anyway, I created a list of 10 dumbest things to do before I graduate, and I am for sure will share every moment whenever I check off my bucket list with you guys. Thank you for dropping by! 

Love, Anh:)

Peacock and Petals

Sweater: UO/ Dress: Macy's/ Heels: Love Culture/ Belt: Target ~

Yoohoooo! Is anybody here? (haha) I am so incredibly sorry for the lack of posts this last weekend. I was very sick (emotionally) and I couldn't bring myself out of bed. But don't worry, I am so much better now and I am happier too! Today I have a Thespian induction, which I am super excited about, and I am going to watch my favorite musical.~~ well, this post is going to be short because I am so hungry, I can't think at all! (haha) Enjoy my OOTD!!

Love, Anh :)

A day at the McNay Museum

Dress: Ara feel/ Shoes: Express

 I love museum, and I love spending Sunday with all my friends. The weather today was so perfect that I decided to pop out my new dress. (It was a dress from my Christmas list) I paired the dress with some booties to add an edgy feel to the look. Also, thanks to my greatest friend, Jennifer, for taking these incredible pictures today. You are an angel! Anyway, I hope y'all will enjoy my little adventure to the museum and my OOTD. After this, I recommend you to go to your local museum with your friends or family because you will add new knowledge and new memories to your life. Thank you for reading! 

Love, Anh :)

Patterned it up!

Sweater: Cotton On/ Bodycon dress: H&M/ Heels: Love Culture

Hey guys! Sorry about the quality of these pictures! Today is actually not the best day for me. I couldn't find the spot to take pictures because there was a dance event at my school and there were people EVERYWHERE!! Anyway, today I decided to add a crop sweater on top of a bodycon dress because I thought that the looseness of the sweater compliment nicely the tightness of the bodycon dress. This outfit is casual and cute. You definitely can charm a guy with this outfit ;) (haha) The heels add a more feminine to this look so that you can feel like you dress up but also very comfortable. I hope you enjoy my OOTD and tune in for another post tomorrow. Thank you for reading my blog! <3
p.s. I straighten my hair today. What you do you guys think? You like it or nah?

Love, Anh :)

Brooklyn 18

Crop top: Urban Outfitters/ Skirt: Korea/ Vest: Vietnam/ Shoes: F21

Hey y'all! It's Monday... again. I'm currently in school right now and I AM BORED! I'm also currently fantasizing about New York City. Why? Because my one ultimate dream is to move to NYC. I love the idea of a city that never sleep. I love the crowded-ness of New York City. I love the urban vibes, the shopping center, and everything about that Apple City. Hopefully, I will get to go back to NYC this summer. Think about graduation and NYC make me sooooo happy :)
What makes you happy?

Love, Anh:)

Sky Bridge

Beanie: Handmade/ Jacket: American Eagle/ Sweatshirt: Friends/ Tights: Vietnam/ Shoes: Sketcher's

Hi everyone, I had finally come back for another outfit of the day. This outfit is inspired for those who want to layer their outfit in the winter. I love layering my outfits because I think they (most of the time) turn out to be super adorable and chic. This outfit would look better if I wear black jeans but I don't own a lot of jeans... I only have dresses. But it's okay, I got some fake tights jeans!! ( is this even a word?) Also, I think I need to learn how to take pictures and practice face poses because look at my face!! I don't think I can look anymore tired than that haha. As you can see, there is no sun when I took these photos but right after I finished, Mr. Sun came out and I am just so MAD!! Whatever, it's life, right? What about you guys, tell me about the time when something like this happens to you. Until then,

Love, Anh:)